Sally (Ranti) Perreten
(860) 388-1170

This is a sampler of choices to help you plan music to enhance your wedding or reception.

You can hear Classical Concert Harp, Celtic Harp and Harp and Flute duo. Classical Harp is a good choice for very formal occasions or large gatherings. A touch of light amplification is used when required by the situation.

Here is a portion of the perennial wedding favorite, the Pachelbel Canon in D:

  Canon In D

In contrast, hear the bewitching and enchanting sounds of the Celtic Harp (these two are good alternate choices for exit marches):

  Sir Charles Coote
  Scottish March

Because of its smaller size, the Celtic Harp is suitable where space or access are a consideration. On this harp, I play traditional music from the British Isles as well as some classical selections. The bright sound of this harp makes it a good choice for festive occasions:

  Fanny Poer  (one suggestion for the mothers' entrance)

Now let's listen to some wedding marches, starting with the familiar Wagner/Mendelssohn pair, followed by the Trumpet Voluntary and Trumpet Tune and Beethoven's "Ode To Joy", which I often suggest as an exit march. These are Classical Harp examples:

  Wagner Wedding March
  Mendelssohn Wedding March
  Clarke Trumpet Voluntary
  Purcell Trumpet Tune
  Ode To Joy

If you like an ancient sound, here is a Lauda from 13th century Italy:


Then there's "Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring", another choice for the Bride's entrance:

  Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring

The combination of harp and flute is the best choice for those who like classical chamber music. Let's hear some wedding march samples played by the Harp and Flute Duo:

  Mendelssohn Wedding March on Harp and Flute
  Clarke Trumpet Voluntary on Harp and Flute

In addition to Bach, Mozart, Handel and Fauré, we also like waltzes:

  Strauss Waltz
  Tosa Waltz

And polkas:

  Polka  (if you happen to know the name of this polka, would you please let us know?)

And finally, a sample from the Bach E-flat Flute Sonata, played on Classical Harp and Flute:

  Bach E-flat Flute Sonata

Now that you have listened to all this music, please call me at (860) 388-1170 to further discuss your event.